How to use the Main Screen

How to use the Main Screen

MAIN Screen may a most basically and high frequency screen in AKAI MPC.

And, I mention about “The way of looking and how to use theAKAI MPC’s Main Screen” in this article. (I tailing about it with AKAI MPC 2500 by way of example.)


A way of looking at Main Screen’s basically part

Display of Main Screen

AKAI MPC can jump to Main Screen from almost screen with push [MAIN button] on. And, AKAI MPC (2500)’s Main Screen is like the following.



Sq:□□□                                          LOOP:□□

♩:□□.□              Tsig:□/□            Bars:□□

Tr:01                          V%:□□□          Mute:□□

Type:□□□□         Pgm:□□□         Midi:□□


Meaning of each paragraph

The meaning of each paragraph about AKAI MPC’s Main Screen is like the following.

Paragraph Meaning
Now Play back position.
Sq Sequence. You select sequence No. that you want to edit.
LOOP You can select ON/OFF of sequence’s loop. Selected “ON”, sequence’s loop became effective.
You can assignment tempo of track(BPM).
Tsig You can assignment 4/4 3/4 etc…
Bars You assignment how bars use for the 1 sequence.
Tr You select track No. within the limits of 01~64 that you want to edit in sequence.
V% ?
Mute You can check and select mute ON/OFF of each tracks
Type You can select DRUM or MIDI.
Pgm You select program to selected track.
Midi You can control Midi ON/OFF.

How to use each “F key” on Main Screen

Also, F keys (1~6) are arrangement in under the AKAI MPC(2500)’s Main Screen. And, each keys assigned each parameter like the following.

  • F!→T.C.
  • F2→Click
  • F3→TR-
  • F4→TR+
  • F5→MUTE
  • F6→SOLO


F1: T.C.

T.C. meaning the Timing Collect. And display of T.C. is like the following.


NOTE Value:□□□                                      Swing%:□□□

Shift Timing:□□□                                        Amount:□□□


Detail of each paragraph is like the following.

Paragraph Meaning
NOTE Value You can assignment OFF or within the limits of 1/8~1/32(3). If selected OFF, Timing Collect function is ineffective.
Timing Shift You can select EARLIER or LATER.
Swing% If you selected NOTE Value:1/8, 1/16, 32/1, you can assignment within the limits of 50~75.
Amount If Swing% function is effective, you can use this function、You can assignment timing early or later  within the limits of 0~23.


For example)

  • Timing Shift:LATER
  • Amount:10

If you assignment like the above and type the date at 「Time:001.01.01」, time become to the 「001.01.10」 automatically.


F2: Click

Click/Metronome. You can select the click sound’s ON or OFF. Screen of Click is like the following.


Counting:□□□                                                      In Play:□□□

RATE:□□□                                                            In Rec:□□□


Detail of each paragraph is like the following.

Paragraph Meaning
Counting You can select click sound’s ON/OFF. You can select from “OFF”, “REC ONLY”, REC+PLAY.
RATE You can assignment within the limits of 1/4~1/32(3).
In Play You can select click sound’s ON/OFF in the playing sequence.
In Rec You can select click sound’s ON/OFF in the recording sound.


F3: TR-

You can display track that previous the selecting track.(For example: If you push F3 on in selecting Tr2, Tr2 change to the Tr1.)


F4: TR+

You can display track that next the selecting track.(For example: If you push F4 on in selecting Tr1, Tr1 change to the Tr2.)



You can select MUTE ON or OFF that you selected track.



You can play solo that you selected track.

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