How to use AKAI MPC



Beatmake flow with AKAI MPC

General beatmake flow with use AKAI MPC.




Step.1 Connection AKAI MPC and each equipment

マイクケーブル_06_640-4201st of all, you need connect AKAI MPC and each equipments with cable. AKAI MPC and Turn table (Mixer), AKAI MPC and monitor speaker.




Step.2 Sampling

ターンテーブル_03You finished connect AKAI MPC and each equipment, next is sampling.You certainly can do sampling from analog record. And you can do “Self sampling”.



Step. 3 TRIM

mixer-3946789_640-420You finished sampling, next is “TRIM”. TRIM section can cut the needles piece of sample source. And edit the sample source.




Step.4   Assign samples to each PAD

サンプラー・バックライトパッド_640-420You finished “TRIM”, next is “Assign”. Assign samples to each PAD and make PROGRAM.
If you save PROGRAM, you can load it next time.




Step.5 Make Sequence

ミキサー・液晶ディスプレイYou finished assign samples to each PAD, next is make “Sequence”. Sequence is loop of few bars. And you make track with it.




Step.6   Make Song

楽譜_04_640-420You finished make all sequences, next is song.まとめ終えれば、トラックは完成。





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