Many type AKAI MPCs are on sale from AKAI Professional’s product. And, they were almost Stand Alone type that were sold in the past. But, PC (Personal Computer)/Software Interlocking type will increase more and more in recently.
By the way, I mention about
- Different points between the Stand Alone type AKAI MPC and PC/Software Interlocking type AKAI MPC
- Merit and demerit of per series
in this article.
What’s the different between the Stand Alone type and PC/Software Interlocking type
What’s the Stand alone type?
Stand Alone type meaning “it can operation without any other machines”. In a word, it can make musics without connection with PC (Personal Computer) etc.. It’s treated as Sampler.
Many Hip Hop Producers, DJs and Track Makers were using Stand Alone type MPCs like the MPC 60, MPC 2000 (XL), MPC 3000. So, someone may having a image like the “AKAI MPC=Stand Alone type equipment”.
What’s the PC/Software interlocking type?
PC/Software interlocking type meaning “It can use with connect with PC and install MPC Software to PC”. It can’t use without PC. And, it’s treated as MIDI controller.
Merit and demerit of per series
Merit of Stand Alone type
Merit of Stand Alone type is like the following.
- Possible make music smoothly
- Possible make musics without PC
Possible make musics smoothly
In case of PC/Software interlocking type, it necessary to start PC on the occasion of make music. But, in case of Stand Alone type, it can make music soon with only start AKAI MPC on. If you are impatience, I think Stand Alone type is up your alley.
Possible make musics without PC
Not necessary PC to use AKAI MPC, it have many merits. They are like the following.
- Someone who not have PC can make musics
- Someone who isn’t good at PC operation can make musics
- Not necessary learn software operation
Demerit of Stand Alone type
On the other hand, demerit of Stand Alone type are like the following.
- It’s difficult to buy a brand new
- A lot product deficiency
- Big and heavy
It’s difficult to buy brand new
Stand Alone types (like the 60, 60Ⅱ, 2000, 2000XL, etc. are almost discontinued the productions except the AKAI MPC X.
A lot product deficiency
They are used item. So, they can happen some troubles easily compared with brand new.
Big, heavy
Stand Alone type is big size and heavy compared with PC/Software interlocking type that like the AKAI MPC Studio, AKAI MPC Touch.
Merit of PC/Software interlocking type
Merit of PC/Software interlocking type are like the following.
- Smooth date save/load
- Big date capacity
- Easy to use for one who is used DAW software
- Possible edit the detail
Smooth date save/load, Big date capacity
Stand Alone type’s dates are saved to MPC built in date storage area, or external recording like the CF card or Floppy disc. On the other hand, in case of PC/Software type, its dates are saved to PC with USB. So, dates capacity is bigger than Stand Alone type.
Easy to use for one who is used DAW software, Possible edit the detail
It use the software. So, there are probably some common part with DAW operation. Thus, it easy to use for one who is used DAW software compared with one who isn’t used DAW. Also, I think it can edit detail more f compared with Stand Alone type.
Demerit of PC interlocking type
Demerits of PC interlocking type are like the following.
- Unusable without PC
- Some trouble with PC connection sometimes happens
Unusable without PC
PC/Software interlocking type can use with MPC software and signal from AKAI MPC. And, AKAI MPC play a role of only MIDI controller. Thus, you can’t use it without PC.
Some troubles with PC connection sometimes happens
Some troubles can be happen when connect the AKAI MPC and PC. For example, PC side can’t recognition AKAI MPC.